What You Need To Know About Type I
As stated earlier there are two types of diabetes and type I is the most sever one and this is usually termed as juvenile how to reverse diabetes for the reason that this is usually found in people who are at the age of 30 and below. But this disease has not only one name for it has other names such as ketosis prone, brittle or unstable diabetes.
To give you more info, the difference with type I is that in this type the cells found in the pancreas which are responsible for creating insulin are being destroyed which in effect leads to an amount of insulin that has been decreased and a sugar build-up in the system. These people who are part of the medical field have not yet been able to have a concrete reason as to why this kind of occurrence happens but instead they have come up with possible ideas as to why there is such occurrence.
1. The cells are being attacked because a virus has found its way into the system.
2. The cells are being destroyed because of a bacterial infection.
3. Because of chemical toxins that have food borne in them.
4. A person who was still in his or her infant years was already being exposed to the cow of the milk which will therefore automatically trigger the autoimmune response of the body. Read http://www.ehow.com/health/conditions-treatments/diabetes/ to learn more about diabetes.
5. The disease is unfortunately already part of the family.
However, be reminded that the reasons you have read above are just hypotheses and they have not yet been proven to be true. But there is a catch for the reason that although these are just merely hypotheses, according to research they are inclining towards these as possible reasons.
No matter what the cause may be, the bottom line is that what will happen is that there is a definite attack on the cells which are responsible for creating insulin. An autoimmune reaction is the effect that usually happens and this is something that not many people understand but what this is, is that it is an allergic reaction the body has on its own self. Click here to consult experts of diabetes.
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