23 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

how to reverse diabetes information

<What they call as pre-diabetes is that condition when your blood glucose level is higher than normal but it is too low to be considered diabetes by physicians. Read more about it in the site at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_mellitus. Those that have pre-diabetic glucose levels are more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, stroke, or heart problems. If you have been diagnosed to have the pre-diabetes condition, you can still do things to avoid it from becoming the type 2 diabetes condition. You can get rid of the pre-diabetes condition or avoid from getting the type 2 diabetes when you do regular exercise, lose weight, and practice healthy diet.>

You will know you have diabetes when you experience the following symptoms: frequent urination, excessive thirst, having dry and itchy skin, blurry vision, sores that won't heal fast, being hungry all the time and the absence of sensation on one's feet. There are however people who have diabetes but don't experience such symptoms.

Any person at any age may be able to develop diabetes. The following are the three types of diabetes: types 1 and 2 and gestational diabetes. Find out further information about this when you access the site at www.diabetes-article.com.

The type 1 diabetes is better known as the juvenile diabetes or the insulin-dependent diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is usually seen in young adults, children and teenagers. The beta cells found in the pancreas no longer produce insulin since they have been taken over by the body's immune system in this type of diabetes.

The type 2 diabetes on the other hand is the non insulin-dependent kind and is also known as the adult-onset diabetes. This kind of diabetes can develop at any age and even in childhood. With this kind of reverse diabetes there is insulin resistance wherein the body cells don't interact right with insulin. It is type 2 diabetes that is considered the most common type of diabetes. This may be brought about by unhealthy weight, the absence of proper nutrition, and sedentary lifestyle.

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