Diabetes is actually seen and considered to be one of the most epidemic disease that is present in most countries today. The details that you could find below talks about the risk cause management on the three types of diabetes that is common today.
The type 1 diabetes where this is called in other words as Juvenile Diabetes, Autoimmune Diabetes or the Insulin dependent diabetes. An individual who has this kind of diabetes have an immune response against the person’s own beta cells of pancreas which results to where it is unable to produce insulin. This is in fact the primary reason why this is actually termed as an autoimmune diabetes. Follow the link to get more information about diabetes. Type 1 diabetes usually happens to children but will also be able to happen to any individual at any age. For patients to be able to live a life that’s normal, they should be following proper diet and also to consider doing regular exercise. A reason as to why this kind of diabetes happen is because of its environmental factors like viruses, diet and chemicals. Common symptoms of it would be in having an increase in weight loss, hunger, urination as well as on thirst.
The other would be the type 2 diabetes which is likewise being called as the non-insulin dependent diabetes or otherwise known as the adult-onset diabetes. There is also the type 2 diabetes which is known as non-insulin dependent diabetes or known otherwise as the adult-onset diabetes. Also, this is considered to be the most common type of all where it is estimated to be 80% of all the cases of diabetes. The primary cause for such type is however genetic but there are also other factors that could cause it like overweight, high blood pressure, obesity, overeating habits and lack of exercise.
For more information about diabetes, check out information new diabetes-article.com
Gestational diabetes is also another example where this will occur to women after their later stages of pregnancy. Though the glucose levels will soon return to normal for them, they will still be able to have high percentage of developing diabetes in a few years. Another thing is that women who are affected with this will not have any symptoms at all. The thing that is best to do would be to maintain normal body weight as well as to be physically active to help avoid having this kind of diabetes. Visit the official site http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/category/diabetes/. for more information about diabetes.
New Detection in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Assessment and Diagnosis of Pancreatic Beta Cells Reserve
24 Aralık 2015 Perşembe
Different Types of Diabetes?
diabetes article
diabetes info
type 1 diabetes
type 2 diabetes
Kayıt Yorumları
There are two types of diabetes namely; type I and II. These two types are actually different from each other and as a matter of fact type I is the one that is more sever. The medical field has gathered all the knowledge that they could acquire regarding the disease diabetes but what they have not yet discovered is the cause of this said disease. What the people in the medical field have discovered are some of the things that might be the cause as to why there is a cause of diabetes.
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